
Welcome to the newest feature on this site, Read/View/Listen. I have long debated the value of adding further content to a site where clinical protocol historically makes the claim that it is most appropriate to withhold any potential biases. However, my social work roots are pulling at me to be more vocal where social justice issues require it and so I willingly let go of some previously held opaqueness. Social justice means not only naming injustices in sessions and healing from them behind closed doors, but actively working to make the world my clients step back out into, one that is less likely to bring that same harm over again. So my aim for this space is to offer books, music, movies, tv, articles etc. that may inspire and ignite you the reader, as they have done for me, in the hopes of creating broader change through this local and intimate exchange of ideas. 

I am often asked for resources both of a clinical nature and not, to help illustrate certain discussion points in sessions. Some material will be of a professional nature and others will be widely known in various circles. These resources are meant to offer guidelines to parents in a struggle with their child, to bring new ways of viewing social issues into dinner time dialogue, to inspire curiosity and depth of conversation on long car rides, to illuminate new tools to navigate romantic hurdles, or simply to spark your own reflection on the quiet and solitary pages of your journal. 

Welcome, I invite you to Read/View/Listen along with me.